Advanced PC Control Software -
Replace the Hand Control with a PC
NexRemote is now free for the fully activated version.
Download from Celestron's website. Currently users of NexRemote should
also check periodically for updated
Click the Software category link and search for "nexremote".
Generally it is necessary to right-click the downloaded file and select Troubleshoot compatibility
- select the options to inform the installer it last worked correctly on
Windows 7.
Originally developed by AstroGeeks (Andre Paquette and Ray St.Denis) and
known then as
hcAnywhere, NexRemote is powerful software that is in essence a virtual hand
control that performs all of the functions of the standard hand control -
and more. This includes the creation of a virtual serial port (RS232 port)
that other astronomy software can access just like the serial port on the
real hand control. It allows the use of a wireless game pad to control the
scope so that you are not tethered to the PC when using NexRemote. And the program talks! The prompts that appear on the LCD panel
on the hand control are spoken so that you can actually use the scope
without looking at the PC screen. Additionally, when new firmware
versions are available for the hand control, NexRemote implements those new
versions, even on scopes without an upgradeable hand control. More details are available at the
link above.
NexRemote is compatible with all NexStar-driven scopes made between 2001
and about 2014. This includes:
- NexStar GT series/Orion StarSeeker series with a version 4 or 104 hand
- NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE
- NexStar GPS series
- NexStar SE series
- NexStar SLT series
- CPC series
- LCM series
- CGE Pro
- Advanced Series with GoTo (AS-GT)
Newer mounts may be compatible with CPWI.
Imagers in particular like NexRemote. Now you can control
everything from your PC rather than switching between the PC for image
capture and the hand control for manual centering and slewing.
Two other utilities further extend the power of NexRemote and are
included in the package. NexTour allows
the user to create customized tours based on a 46,000 object database.
Each tour can have a maximum of 200 objects and you can define an unlimited
number of tours. You are no longer limited to just the original tour
objects found in the hand control. My program
NexStar Observer List can create
tours as well. NexGPS allows you to link NexRemote with any PC
compatible handheld GPS unit in order to automatically provide the
longitude, latitude, date and time. You can also use NexGPS to create
multiple "sites" for quick and easy setup when you travel around with your
Occasionally, Celestron updates NexRemote as they update the firmware on
their real hand controls. Be sure to check the Celestron web site
occasionally for the latest information.